Recently world-renowned recording artist Akon took part in administering a competition. With the use of various social media networks, he was able to spread the word of this event extremely fast. His promo for this activity began with a simple video uploaded to the popular media based site YouTube. Then linked was linked to his various other social pages to create a platform.
Watch the video here:
In his video he briefly explains the motivation behind the competition. However what isn’t highlighted on the surface is the utter amount of self-interest being also at play. By masquerading his motivation as an “opportunity for emerging talent” he also finds an added outlet to continue his brand.
The contest allows artist of all genres to submit songs into a database coined as the DHS (Digital Hit System). Then, the machine (which is said to be incredibly accurate) calculates the hit potential of the entree. Ultimately, the winners of the competition are flown out to the Grammy’s to walk the red carpet and perform their music on national television.
For complete rules:
While reading the guidelines and (possible) rewards even the most skeptical of individuals would be enticed. How ever from a marketing perspective one must display complete amazement. In one deadly swoop this company has established a market, locate a fan base and ultimately secured a brand.
An avid reader of “The 48 Laws Of Power” by Robert Greene, I feel these guys have (and continue to) exemplify a number of crucial laws in their attempt to solidify themselves as a reputable company. The fact that they were able to down play the notion of brand promotion (of DHS) and focus on the opportunity being was pure genius.
Law 3
~Conceal Your Intentions~
Keep people off-balance and in the dark by never revealing the purpose behind you actions (Green 2000).
Greene, O., & Elffers, J. (2000). The 48 laws of power. Penguin Putnam.Retrieved from