Friday, March 23, 2012

The Importance of Copyright Protection

The Importance of Copyright Protection

Good day friends,

In this installment, we take another look at the business of protection (copyright that it is). We explore the process of how to acquire it and why it is so important. To help facilitate the process we will draw upon other authorities on the topic. As well as provide you with an easy (32-step) guide to copyrighting your material (but don’t worry, its easier than it sounds). However, we will first examine a recent case involving infringement to understand the true worth of the process.

Righthaven v. Democratic Underground

In recent years (or since the emergence of Internet as we know it) blogs and broadcasting sites have been at the forefront of distributing information. Often times even besting many of the established powerhouses in the process. As is the case with any new market, new opportunity emerges for those looking to profit. Which is the issue at core of Righthaven v. Democratic Underground. Take a look at the case summary according to EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation).

Righthaven has brought over 200 lawsuits in Nevada federal court claiming copyright infringement… they create lawsuits by scouring the Internet for content from Review-Journal stories posted on blogs and online forums, purporting to acquire the copyright to that particular story from Stephens Media LLC (the Review-Journal's publisher), and then suing the poster for infringement (Electronic Frontier Foundation).

As stated best by the people over at Entertainment law update, this process (or the people known for pursuing these cases) are often times referred to as copyright trolls. While the case was ultimately dismissed, creators of the content can protect themselves ahead of time to thwart such attacks.

Provided below is a link to a step-by-step guide on how to copyright your material. I believe this an integral part of the process for any individual looking to produce music. This is especially true in cases like Righthaven v. Democratic Underground have become the norm.

As always thanks for reading…


1. Monkey Around with Copyright Law

2. Mark Quial - Music Law Publishing Part 1 & 2

3. “The Pope and Little Mermaid turn it up”

Friday, March 2, 2012

Three Different Legal Liabilities

In this installment we will explore three fairly recent issues regarding artist (performer rights) that have arisen within the hip hop community. Many of which could have been avoided if the proper steps were taken a head of time.

Recently producer extraordinaire “Bangladesh” and record label Cash Money came to amicable terms. The parties had been on the outs for the past 3 yours due to accusations of fraud and lack of royalty payments. In their dispute the producer claims that he was not properly paid for his services, and was looking to recoup nearly five hundred thousand dollars for his part in the multi platinum album “The Carter II”. However, cooler heads were able to prevail just in time for Lil Wayne to release his 2011 follow up album “The Carter III”. For more on this topic refer too…

The Conflict “… Cash Money Don’t Pay Royalties”

The Resolve “Bangladesh On Resolving Issues With Lil Wayne & Cash Money”

In similar but a very different situation all together, new-comer Mac Miller was confronted over production credits at one of his recent shows. The young emcee and his entourage were addressed by a collective group known as “Up North Productions” over something as simple as providing credits on a video. While both sides claimed that they were in the right, only one provided evidence. For more on this incident refer too...

The Conflict & The Resolve “Mac Miller Gets Confronted By Disgruntled Producers”

Speaking with video personality Jack Thriller, up-and-coming rapper Riz recently expressed his feelings on being stolen from. “Protect your ideas and keep your thoughts to yourself as much as possible cause people will steal your creativity and your thoughts are priceless” (Riz 2012). Review the full allegations at the link below…

The Conflict “Riz Claims Rick Ross Stole "Self Made" …”

The Resolve …Unresolved

Until Next Time…