Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A look at the future of the industry

With graduation upon us, we see the advancement of our president from graduate student to entrepreneur.  It is with great respect, that we would like to honor this substantial achievement by saying… CONGRATULATIONS!  With completion of his Masters (of Business), he adds yet another accolade to his already impressive resume.  And while that in it self may represents success for many, we are equally excited to observe the affects of the process.  

In this short sit down, we ask him to address two key questions.  1) What are his views on the future of the industry?  2) How does being a recent college graduate prepare you to excel in these areas? 
I believe whole-heartedly, that life in general is only as hard as you make it.  While there may be unforeseeable bumps and bends with your path, as long as you look at obstacles as opportunities you will fair well in the bigger picture.  This is in fact the primary principal that the network was founded upon. 

A few years back I had noticed the declination of the traditional models of selling and distributing music.  I being an independent artist at the time, felt as though the industry that I had aspired to enter was essentially falling a part.  However, other venues that employed the use musical content were still growing exponentially at a rapid pace. 

After an extensive period of research, I located avenue that allowed me to still focus on music while assisting in the crossover of content.  Thankfully, I had established some pretty essential bonds with media developers during my trek as a struggling musician.   It was through these connections that the music casting network was able to come to fruition.   Considering the nature of the business, I feel whole-heartedly that this newly formed market can and will succeed. 

To ensure the company thrives I will certainly implement the lesson during my schooling.  Information regarding SEO and distribution will help the company emerge as a leader in this newfound field.

 Stay tuned for part 2

Monday, July 2, 2012

Alternative Financing

In this segment we take a look at two alternative funding websites, in an effort to assist other entities looking for investors.  Logically (due to the current condition of our economy), traditional financing outlets have been extremely harsh with their approval of business loans.  This has been especially true in regards to urban, rural and native communities.  Thankfully, sites such as www.opportunityfinance.net & www.microenterpriseworks.org offer entrepreneurs targeting these disenfranchised areas, financial support.

Opportunity Finance Network

“Opportunity Finance Network (OFN) is a national network of community development financial institutions (CDFIs) investing in opportunities that benefit low-income, low-wealth, and other disadvantaged communities across America” (Opportunity Finance, 2012).
The members of the company (OFN) are performance-oriented and responsible investors that aim to spark job growth in the areas that need it most.  The goal of their initiative is to stimulate sound financial returns and real changes for people and communities.  To date the company has provided well over $23.2 billion dollars in financing in urban, rural, and Native communities. 
By providing guidance in 5 key areas (Financing, Public Policy, Knowledge Sharing, Strategic Consulting & Strategic Communications), the network plans to continuously expand.  Which is best exemplified within their mission statement. 
“OFN’s mission through 2025 is to lead CDFIs and their partners to ensure that low-income, low-wealth, and other disadvantaged people and communities have access to affordable, responsible financial products and services” (Opportunity Finance, 2012).
                        For a list of qualifications & requirements click the link below

Association For Enterprise Opportunity

“AEO supports the development of strong and effective U.S. microbusiness initiatives to assist underserved entrepreneurs in starting, stabilizing, and expanding businesses” (Association For Enterprise Opportunity, 2012).

This company focuses on 4 pertinent causes including:
·      Voice (promoting awareness)
·      Catalyst Initiative (identifying opportunities)
·      Capacity Building in the Southeast (increasing efficiency & effectiveness)
·      Green Economy: (identifying new "green" opportunities with and for members)

The networks success is apparent.  To date it has helped more than two million entrepreneurs create jobs.  It has also secured more than $300 million federal dollars for microbusiness industry participants. 

“Through AEO managed programs, member organizations have received around $20 million dollars of private funding to improve and expand vital programs and services to disadvantaged entrepreneurs and communities” (Association For Enterprise Opportunity, 2012).

For a list of qualifications & requirements click the link below

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Experts Views on the Value of Business Plans

“Experts Views on the Value of Business Plans”

In this episode we revisit our last post, when we discussed “Two Business Plan Experts”.  After learning about these industry leaders and their techniques for success, we wanted to find ways to implement their tools into an outline for other individuals (or small businesses) looking for similar results.  Based on the information that was provided by each, we a devised the following list.   Grounded in the ideology that the list was comprised on, we have also selected of few essential elements (that we feel both experts would agree on) as pertinent aspects of a great business plan.

1.     Be Direct

While many individuals’ possess a wealth of great ideas, only a few actually see the fruition of these concepts.  A large reason for this can be attributed to the vagueness (and or insecurity) in their approach.  Those confident in their ideas tend to inspire confidence amongst observers.  A prime example, take a look at the two statements listed below from both experts’ respective sites. 

“No, I won’t write your business plan for you. Sorry, but I’ve done that, for years, and I don’t do it anymore” (Berry, 2012).

“Direct advice and assistance is what most people expect from a coach or a consultant. Dave dispenses it to his clients in heaping doses. Some people are initially taken aback by this straightforward approach” (Lorenzo, 2012).

2.     Know your worth

“Please do not be offended when Dave does not give you free advice” (Lorenzo, 2012).

It is imperative that you place a premium on what you do.  Others will only take you as serious as you take yourself.  (Side Note: When preparing for this blog we came across a number of people considering themselves experts.  However these were 2 of a handful that actually appeared just as professional as their claims).  Take a look at how Berry asserts his worth below. 

 “… I charge $1,995 and up for an interactive job, working with you, to develop realistic and credible business planning projections including sales, cost of sales, expenses, profit or loss, balance sheet, and — by far the most important — cash flow projections” (Berry, 2012).

3.     Be Selective

The first offer isn’t always the best.  Be selective about all things pertaining to your brand.  You are often judged by these associations. 
“Dave is highly selective in the people and businesses he chooses as his clients…Dave will only work with people he actually believes he can help” (Lorenzo, 2012).

The Most Important Part Of A Business Plan

Based on the information provided by these guys, we feel that the most important part of a business plan is: The Company Mission Statement. Clarifying what the company and your plan to get paid are also essential elements.


 Berry, T. (n.d.). Tim berry. Retrieved from http://timberry.com/ 
 McWilson, J.(n.d.) Two business plan experts.  Retrieved from http://projectpleasuremarketing.blogspot.com/2012/06/two-buisness-plan-experts.html
 Lorenzo, D. (n.d.). David lorenzo.  Retrieved from http://dlorenzo.com/

Friday, June 8, 2012

Two Business Plan Experts

In this installment we discuss 2 recognized “experts” in the field of writing and/or reviewing business plans.  With the official launch of the network right around the corner, we felt that it may be beneficial for both us as well as our clients.   The first individual we discuss is (author and teacher) Tim Berry.  And secondly is David V. Lorenzo the self proclaimed “Rainmaker Lawyer”. 

Berry, an established public speaker and recognized entrepreneur, he has been teaching collegiately (at the University of Oregon) for well over decade.  According to his self-titled website TimBradly.com, he is also noted as: founder and chairman of Palo Alto Software and bplans.com, co-founder of Borland International, author of books and software on business planning, Stanford MBA, father of five, married 42 years” (Berry, 2012)Tim has been able gain and (steadily) maintains the title of “expert”, by consistently blogging, creating (and distributing) self-promotional material and hosting private seminars (for higher).  This one is aspect that he shares with our other expert David Lorenzo.

Mr. Lorenzo (a lawyer consultant by title) is also reputable resource.  While he does provide a few philanthropically recognized services (by way of a free email tutorial of his program “How Smart Lawyers Make a Great Living AND Get Home for Dinner On Time EVERY NIGHT”!).  He ultimately aims to protect his greatest assets as well as yours.  Prior to obtaining his assistance, he insists that all potential clients should take heed to these potential conflicts. 

·      Dave Lorenzo is blunt, straightforward and may NOT tell you what you want to hear.
·      Dave respects your most valuable asset - your time.
·      You get what you pay for - beware of free advice.
·      Dave doesn’t Work with Just Anybody.
·      Your competition may already be working with Dave.

David offers one last piece of information for anyone looking to speak with him one on one.  “If you would like to speak with Dave and you are not a client, you will be asked to pay a $250 consultation fee by credit card before we schedule your call with him…If you do not want to pay this fee, please do not call and leave a message” (Lorenzo).

Berry, T. (n.d.). Tim berry. Retrieved from http://timberry.com/

Berry, T. (2012, June 7). Truth and Beauty Make Better Sales Projections.

Retrieved from http://timberry.bplans.com/

Lorenzo, D. (n.d.). David Lorenzo. Retrieved from http://dlorenzo.com/

Sunday, June 3, 2012

What defines playability?

What defines playability?

Today while sharing an enjoying ride downtown with friends, I happen to turn a station that was foreign to my radio.  An avid proponent to exploring new music, I thought it might be interesting to survey the radio-stations’ musical selections.  After entering my choice for a couple minutes the other individuals in the vehicle strongly suggested changing the station or perhaps even putting on CD (which is a compact disc for those 13 and under).   However, unfazed by the barrage of comments and complaints, I remained steadfast in my decision.  Luckily, this decision was vindicated when a cover song by the Milow - Ayo Technology (originally done by 50 cent & Justin Timberlake) came on.   It was then I baited the others with question…

“If both the content, lyrics and cadence are all transferable, then why isn’t the song”?

Unsatisfied with their answers and slightly intrigued by the altered version, I rushed to Google to get a little more information.  It turns out that this simplified of version was doing just as good if not better than the 50 cent and Timberlake assisted song.  According to a number sources, the Milow version charted respectively just about everywhere except the U.S. including The Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, Switzerland, Belgium.  It also peaked at number two in Germany, Spain and Austria (not to mention its top ten distinction in France, Italy and Finland).

With a bevy of accolades and a hustle that resembled that of Curtis (50 cent) Jackson’s early days (at least on paper), Milows’ long plight for recognition has finally come to fruition.  However, in an effort to perhaps pacify my self I concocted the following three reasons as rationale for the stations decision to play Milow version over 50 cents. 

3 Potential Answers

Image- Despite Jackson’s recent journey into mainstream America, many still associate him with the persona he carried during his street days and early on his career.  As a result many still hit him with the proverbial black ball.

Comfort- at the time of Ayo’s release Justin Timberlake was still facing backlash from being associated with the nip slip orchestrated by he and Janet Jackson.  While he did fair better then Janet in the situation some still chose to condemn all things Timberlake related.

Format- There is also the distinct possibility that although the lyrics remained the same, and the both cadence and content as well.  Switching the artist provide just enough dissidence from the original to make it acceptable on a whole other platform. 

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Rapper inducted into the Bronx Walk of Fame

In the recent years we have been privileged enough to witness a plethora of musicians climb the ranks from musical stars to cultural icons.  Provided with little more than a platform and a microphone, these individuals have found a way to garner fan base like few have before them.  And although their influences travel far beyond what they may have called familiar at one point, they will forever be immortalized by those that identified with them first; their home…  It is within this same vein that we applaud Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. for his motion to induct rapper Fat Joe into the Brooklyn Walk of Fame. 

Joseph Antonio Cartagena (stage name Fat Joe) was born August 19, 1970.   The Brooklyn native was the co-founder of two very influential hip-hop groups (Terror Squad & D.I.T.C.).  Jose’s repertoire includes:

·      Represent (1993)
·      Jealous Ones Envy  (1995)
·      Don Cartagena (1998)
·      Jealous Ones Still Envy (2001) inducted
·      Loyalty (2002)
·      All Or Noting (2005)
·      Me Myself & I (2006)
·      Elephant In The Room (2008)
·      Jealous Ones Still Envy 2 (2009)
·      The Dark Side Vol. (2010)

It is due in large part to these musical offerings that Diaz Jr. chose Joe.  "He announced that this weekend, he will induct rapper Fat Joe into the Bronx Walk of Fame, for being "an outstanding citizen and a role model to countless Bronxites. He has positively represented the Bronx and throughout his music career has helped keep the Bronx on the 'musical map,' becoming one of our very own homegrown success stories (New York Daily News).

As if his musical contributions weren’t impressive enough, one may also point to his influences in another department as inspiration as well.  “Rapper Fat Joe has lost over 100 pounds in the past year, scaling back from his all-time high of 460, according to a recent article in the New York Daily News. But he isn't just concerned with his own health -- he sees his extreme weight as a symptom of social problems in the community where he comes from” (www.huffingtonpost.com).  In era were obesity is running ramped and fast food has become a staple; Joe jeopardized his established persona to embark upon a more health conscious lifestyle.  And in the process not only transforming his image but also providing hope for others in similar situations. 

While we celebrate this event, know that not everybody shares our excitement.  Below is link to Daily News writer Patrice O'Shaughnessy article which questions the presidents decision… 
Rapper Fat Joe Honored

Talk To You Soon

Thursday, May 3, 2012

A Quick Look At Pro Tools 9 & 10

Good afternoon friends,

This time around we here at the Music Casting Network will take a look at the latest release of AVIDS DAW, Pro Tools 10.  As connoisseurs of digital recordings (and the technology that has made it possible), advancements in fields as impressive as this should never go unnoticed. 

In an effort to better understand the programs meaning to the industry, indie artist and music on the digital landscape overall we examine the program against its predecessor Pro tools 9.    Once hailed as the end-all for the DAW’s Pro Tools 9 had relatively short time span as the industry leader.  We’ll also take a look at a couple videos that help illuminate these two vastly different programs. 
Pro Tools MP 9 – The Run Down ($819.00)


This is strongly considered as an introductory version for ambitious beginners, as well as those on a budget.   AVID also provides multiple ways to purchase the program including stand alone or as part of a Pro Tools MP software/hardware bundle. 

Take a look at some of the programs highlights listed below…

Supported tracks

Maximum simultaneous audio tracks @ 48/96/192 kHz)
48/32/ –
Audio recording (maximum simultaneous tracks)
Maximum sample rate supported (hardware dependent)
24-bit, 96 kHz
Supported plug-in formats (virtual instruments, effects, and sound processors)
RTAS, Audio Suite
Beat Detective
Single track only

Pro Tools HD 10 ($999.00 – $2,499.00)


With a much heftier price tag, the newest release of the program boasts a variety of upgrades (see the chart below).   However, it also provides users with functions that were never possible before.  Some of which include Surround Mixing, VCA Mixing as well as… “Advanced video editing (multiple video tracks, multiple video playlists, and video editing tools) (http://www.avid.com/US/products/family/pro-tools/compare)”.

Supported tracks

Maximum simultaneous audio tracks @ 48/96/192 kHz)
Audio recording (maximum simultaneous tracks)
Maximum sample rate supported (hardware dependent)
32-bit, 192 kHz
Supported plug-in formats (virtual instruments, effects, and sound processors)
AAX DSP (Pro Tools / HDX only), AAX Native, TDM (Pro Tools HD only), RTAS, Audio-Suite
Beat Detective

For a complete side by side comparison visit http://www.avid.com/US/products/family/pro-tools/compare
While I, like many of you will be waiting for PT 10’s price to drop a little,  you can check some cool trick and techniques still available to us PT 9 users here… http://artistonly.blogspot.com/b/post-preview?token=2BCdFTcBAAA.Gva_ax0Otb4ZDs-_aN7lWw.-cVXb7EewtvPR5HL0qerFw&postId=3852012867628557141&type=POST

Talk To You Soon…

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Itching To Perform?

Today we are highlighting five burgeoning open Mic venues (in the greater Los Angeles area) that we feel every artist should attend. While most musicians would jump at the opportunity to skip directly to doing stadiums we’ll give you a couple leads on some more realistic locations until that time comes.

Canter's Kibbitz Room 419 N. Fairfax, Los Angeles, CA.

Located in the heart Los Angeles, Ca. Canter Kibbitz boasts an old town feel in a modern setting. The food aside the building itself serves as an obvious attraction magnet for attention (consistently bringing new clientele and potential fans).

Fais Do-Do 5257 Adams Blvd., Los Angeles, CA.

Fais Do-Do is another great venue conveniently located in city of Los Angeles. With open mic sessions held on the third Tuesday of every month, this spot provides a welcoming environment and well promoted showcase. Because the location doubles for a variety of other showcases it often brings out a diverse crowd, which is often a reflection of the performers.

The Gig (Hollywood) 7302 Melrose Avenue, Los Angeles, CA.

The Gig (West L.A) 11637 West Pico Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA.

With two easily accessible locations The Gig is one the few locales dedicated specifically to performing. While the schedule for their open mics were not listed they state that information is available upen request. To acquire more info on their shows, call (323) 936-4440 for Hollywood and (310) 444-9807 west LA.

Hard Rock Cafe (Los Angeles) 8600 Beverly Drive in the Beverly Center, Los Angeles, CA.

The Hard Rock Café, which has been a staple in southern California for years, is but another tool for the aspiring performer. Until recently I myself was unaware that individuals could actual perform at the venue. According to their site they hold a Performance night every Tuesday, with Sign-ups starting at 7:30 p.m. and Shows beginning at 8:30 p.m.

Until next time…